Ension puuhanurkka

Jorinoita tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Why god punishes me? I think I have been a good boy. Last Wednesday I took a train from Bratislava to Budapest. In the station I checked my seat reservation from my ticket. It was number 16. Train here have usually coupes for six people in the wagons. For those who do not know what is coupe. It a small rooms shared by usually six (sometimes eight people). Instead of having seats behind each other people are sitting face-to-face each other aka. There are three people in each opposite seat row in one coupe. The coupes are on the other side of wagon and the corridor goes on the other side.

Number 16 was not lucky number this time. Since in my coupe there were Finnish family with three small kids. Family ate, shouted, screamed, played, spoke Finnish, took naps...and I got irritated. I know, I may get irritated too easily. I was listening music during the whole trip and tried to pretend foreigner. It was hard since there were border control so I had to show my passport to officials twice so eventually I think that family got an idea that there were another Finn in their coupe but luckily they were polite enough to ignore that thing.

When I came back from Budapest. I ended by to a smoking coupe by accident. There were 2 people smoking in that small room. Not that nice either. But that was my own mistake since I did not realize that there are also coupes where it is not allowed to smoke.

I have been rather busy lately even though my internship ended last week's Friday. That Friday I went to visit and then Krakow, then back to BA, then one day in Vienna, then job interview in Budapest one night there, back to BA, next day to Kosice, one night there then two nights in BA, then flight from Vienna to Helsinki-Vantaa. In Orimattila two nights and then to Prague. Still I like travelling. Besides travelling my sister visited me, I have been seeing my friends, arranging my future.

Now it seems to be that from July on I will stay at one place 10 months. I wonder how it would feel when I won't be able to start my year to move to another place like I have done last 4 years.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sähkopostia ! ! !


When everything around you is buzzling and even the sun is shining it feels great. Sometimes these uplifting days follows the most scrappiest days. During this month I have experienced lots of ups and downs. Though the valleys or peaks haven´t been most extremes but still.

Today I feel good. Think about James Brown saying that. I hope I do not have tendency to maniac-depressive disorder. No, I think I am have normal changes of mood and they are usually due to the things happening around me or to me.

Today I feel good.
I am going to Krakow.
My sister is visiting me.
Lots of job interviews are coming.
I had one succesful interview yesterday.
Weather is good.
I am ahead plenty exciting though sometimes scary things.
This is my last day in internship.
I got offered dinner yesterday
As well two days before that
I have found exciting sides in me
I will travel to Hungary next week
I will spend last day of April in Tampere
Plus many thIngs I do not even dare to MentIon here


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Lal-lal-laa viimeinen

Alkaa olemaan lopun alkua täällä Tonavan varrella. Vielä ei ole tiedossa mitä tapahtuu ensi kuussa vai jääko tapahtumatta. Sitä ennen aion kuitenkin nauttia Bratislavasta. Sisko-kultani saapui eilen kaupunkiin. Nautimme auringosta kiertäen kaupungin laidoilla olevilla näkoalapaikoilla ja puistoissa. Muutama tuoppi oluttakin käytettiin janon sammutukseen. Se olikin hyvä, sillä tänään on viileää ja harmaata. Siitä huolimatta suunnataan tänään eläintarhaan.

Kyllä tätäkin kaupunkia ja muutamia ihmisiä Slovakiassa jää kaipailemaan. Ei mahda minkään täytyy vain toivoa, että sähkoposti laulaa tarvittavan usein.

Aiheen vierestä. Miksi vielä nykynaikana tyonantajat pyytävät lähettämään tyohakemuksia paperiversioina? Ajattelisivat ekologisesti ja käyttäisivät sitä pirun sähkopostia. No tästä huolimatta tällä viikolla olen vastaillut nohevasti tyohaastettuluihin Koopnehaminaan, Prahaan ja Budapestiin...

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I was thinking that I know quite many different (kind of) couples. It is interesting to follow how have those couples decide to fell in love or move in together. All in all it is always wonderful to see when my friends are happy in whatever relationship they are in.

Legendary thing to do is guessing which one of the couple is the boss. This is not easy even though one makes these conclusions. For some reason it is somewhat more shameful if the boss is the female. Female is then the bitchy one but the bossy male would be only the strong one. Why is that? I have even met the girls who are willing to be good wives aka serve their husbands. On the other side there are plenty of guys who would think servant as perfect wife. And with this I do not mean the random favour here and there. Random favor is not making the household run when both are working. That is serving.

Most cases the reality is not simple because there are decision made together and then there are areas of life where the other partner makes the decisions then the other where the other is in charge. It is voluntary thing to be together. I believe that only few relationship are one-sided because most of use would dump too bossy partners.

Couples have their own world. Their kitchen. Their shared habits. Their humour. Since the couples are thinking their way of life is the standard one and since the observer is thinking the same of his own life one ends up thinking too often how weird THEY are. I must admit that sometimes i have judge some couples habits too harsh.

As usual everything ends up to me. I just wonder how would my relationship would be with someone, sometime, somewhere. It must be a horror.

Huh huh

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ei mitään

Joka kesä viimeiset 10 vuotta olen polttanut ihoni. Viime viikonloppun sunnuntaina se tapahtui ensimmäisen kerran. Ei nyt varsin pahanlaisesti, mutta nenä ja poskipäät punoittavat hieman.

Paikalliset kertovat kuinka pääsiäinen on se strateginen piste, jolloin ilmat lämpenevät Slovakiassa. Minusta nuo ilmat ovat olleet lämpimiä jo reilun viikon.

Ei mulla oikein ole mitään lisättävää tänään.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Lite trist i arbete...

Nu är det pask. Det betyder inget speciellt for mig. Eller det betyder längre veckoslut. Längre veckoslut har betydde resorna men nu jag ska stanna mest i Bratislava. I stället far jag nagra kompisar som ska besoka här i pasken.

Det ska bli trevlig. Vi säkert ha lite vin att kolla stad. Jaa, vi ska ocksa vara riktiga turister. Med digikamera i handen. Det ska ocksa bli den andra gang i tre manad när jag pratar finska pa riktig ansikte mot ansikte. Säkert har jag pratat finska i telefonen men det är inte samma sak.

Jag horde att idag vi ska fran arbeta nagra timmar tidigare än vanlig. Jihaa!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Today I have decided to stay home alone. To clean up a bit. To cook something good –meat is already bought. To do some laundry. Watch some television series or movies from the internet. Sometimes one day in solitude does good. And this is definetely such a day. The weather is not that attractive either to go out so I am staying home. I already wait the time when I am out of the office and after that I am walking home to to close the door behind me. Tomorrow is the next time when I open the door.

I want to go to sleep early but that is something that I will not do anyway. It is funny how it is always like that. One stays up late reading, browsing the internet, chatting in MSN or just watching some stupid sitcom even one knows it would be wise to sleep in order to be able to wake up fresh to next morning. Yesterday I stayed up after midnight even I felt tired. There were no good reason for that.

By the way is anyone interested to see Slovakian Idols (It is called Superstars here). Check out Pavol from last year. He is SCARY

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Pilviä kerääntyy taivaalle. Huomenna pitäisi olla tuulista ja paljon viileämpää. Onneksi ilmeisesti pääsiäisen tienoilla ilmojen pitäisi palailla mukaviksi. Nyt on small talk –osuus hoidettu ja pitäisi kai kehittää, jotain pirun painavaa sanottavaa.

Jotenkin on hetkellisesti sellainen olo, että melko harvat asiat innostavat. Pitäisi innostaa kyllä, että loytaisi toitä ja tietäisi mitä sitä tekisi elämällään hetken päästä. Onneksi on kaikkea mukavaa tiedossa, kun kavereita on tulossa kylään Brysselistä ja Itä-Slovakiasta viikonlopuksi. Tavoitteena on viettää lystiä aikaa Bratislavassa ja Wienissä. Matkaohjelma on jo päässäni.

Itse asiassa matkaohjelmien suunnitteleminen vierailleni menee välillä yli äyräiden. Vähempikin riittäisi. Uskon, että vieraani ovat välillä uuvuksiksissa minun suunnittelemien päiväohjelmieni jälkeen. Siitä huolimatta en tahdo ottaa opikseni ja valita vähän impulsiivisempaa vaihtoehtoa. Jotenkin sitä haluaa esitellä kunkin paikan parhaat puolet ja niitähän on paljon. Ajoittain ohjelmani ovat liiaksiian japanilaisen tehokkaasti suunniteltuja –eikä kukaan ehdi nauttia mistään mitään, kun jo hoputan seuraavalle näkoalapaikalle.

Askettäin sain kuulla, että opiskelijakaverini tekee pikavisiitin Bratislavaan loppukuusta. Itse asiassa päivää ennen kuin minä suuntaan Wienin lentokentälle odottamaan lentoa Suomeen. Nuokin pari tuntia jolloin näen heitä on tärkeitä. Ei sitä liian usein tuttuja näe, jotka on ripoteltu maailman meriin.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Pasta make by Italian couchsurfer yesterday. It was good as one can expect. Tuesday I will eat Pakistani food made by my friend from Pakistan. I hope i tis not too spicy but what I understood their food is not as spicy as Indian in some cases. Thursday evening my landlord´s becoming French-Canadian wife will cook some most probably French style cuisine and invite her French friends and me to eat. Let us see if I am able to follow discussion in French. I will have two Finnish visitor from Brussels in Friday and we will visit Vienna so for me it will definetely be some Viennese sweet things. Besides that I will get my daily portion of Slovakian food.

Because of the weather I may even buy zmrzlina on my way home....

Will I gain here some kilos? Especially since I haven´t practice any sports here.