Ension puuhanurkka

Jorinoita tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä

Friday, April 20, 2007


When everything around you is buzzling and even the sun is shining it feels great. Sometimes these uplifting days follows the most scrappiest days. During this month I have experienced lots of ups and downs. Though the valleys or peaks haven´t been most extremes but still.

Today I feel good. Think about James Brown saying that. I hope I do not have tendency to maniac-depressive disorder. No, I think I am have normal changes of mood and they are usually due to the things happening around me or to me.

Today I feel good.
I am going to Krakow.
My sister is visiting me.
Lots of job interviews are coming.
I had one succesful interview yesterday.
Weather is good.
I am ahead plenty exciting though sometimes scary things.
This is my last day in internship.
I got offered dinner yesterday
As well two days before that
I have found exciting sides in me
I will travel to Hungary next week
I will spend last day of April in Tampere
Plus many thIngs I do not even dare to MentIon here



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