Ension puuhanurkka

Jorinoita tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Never in Finland!

Yesterday I went to Tesco in the centre of Bratislava again. Luckily I will have to go there only once again then I have all the essential things to my flat. Good thing about Tesco is that they have everything under the same roof with reasonable prices. Usually going there makes me feeling anxious because it is full of people. It is like some hypermarket in Finland just before Christmas when everyone wants to get their share of turkey and presents. Another thing makes me anxious is the disorganized way they have put all the items on show besides that they have products without codes and prices which means long queing times.

Luckily I got smile on my face last time when I visited there. The reason for this was that when one enter Tesco BA one sees immeadiately the magazine shelves. What did I see then? There were approximately 15 people reading magazines like they would have been in library. They were actually reading and not just browsing. A guard was standing next to the magazine shelves but was ignoring the magazine-reading crowd. I wanted to take a picture of this but I was too scared of the guard.

Anyway we rule and law obedient Finns would never do that. At least not so openly. It would be too embarrassing if a shop keeper or the guard would come and say to stop the reading. And they would.


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