Service-oriented Slovakians (Wednesday 31st Jan)
People here in Slovakia seem to be very friendly. So far I do have only one negative experience of Slovakians. I would say that many of the people here doesn't have that good English skills since I can hardly any Slovakian I am no person to complain about that. Even though there is no common language Slovakian seem to be willing to try. Some Slovakian said to me that they are more polite to foreigner than to locals. Can be.
My favorite thing is that trolley bus always waits for running man from the other side of street. I have been able catch the only because of this already three times. I would say that in Finland that kind of behaviuor is rather rare.
Two of my friends are moving to Slovenia a town called Celje. It is one hour from Ljubljana.They should be there already in mid-February. It could be nice to visit them. Unfortunately I am working from Monday to Friday so no long weekend for me.
Scandinavian Music Group: Valmis
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