Ension puuhanurkka

Jorinoita tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä

Sunday, February 11, 2007


I didn´t sleep that well last night so it was pretty hard to get up. I bought a bottle of Kofola on my way to work. Kofola is a czech-slovak version of Coca-Cola but way better than the original one. I guess it has more herbal and coffee like taste.

I got couchsurfers from New Zealand yesterday evening. They seem to be charming young couple on their way through Europe. I guess this evening we are going to have few beers. Next Sunday I will get couchsurfers from USA and Hungary. I am going to couchsurf in Graz in the last weekend of February and hopefully me and my friend are able to couchsurf one night in Brno in the first weekend of March.

Let´s see how this week will be in the office. Luckily I had something to do in the end of the last week. Which I hope also to be case in this week.

Gosh, I´m tired.


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