Ension puuhanurkka

Jorinoita tyhjänpäiväisyyksistä

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Looking for a job

I have less than one and half month left my internship in Bratislava. That is about the same time I expect graduate officially. One plus one is something else. And this something else means looking for a job. I should be more serious now than ever. No more academic freedom. From May on I should look more grey and start to pay my student loan.

I hope that becoming summer I would have an opportunity to work somewhere else than in Orimattila. I have applied either summer jobs or full-time jobs in this spring from Helsinki, Iceland and London. Today I got e-mail from Helsinki that I was one of the 115 applicants to a position I applied and was not the one chosen. Today I also found a job advertisement from London made for me to which I already wrote a covering letter Though London is not my number one spot on the Earth... . I just do not know if they consider me as a person made for that job in that German based organization.

Looking for a jobs is time consuming and pretty much boring thing to do. Luckily I have had some extra time to browse through job ads but there has not been that many interesting opportunities. Therefore future looks even more blurrier than it was last year. But hey, no worries this evening I will do a Finnish pancake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.

9:21 PM  

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